2024 Updates


New models added

Add examples at call time

You can now add examples at call time. This is useful if you have a set of examples that you want to use as a reference for your model without having to manage a dataset.

output, _ = opper.call(
    instructions="extract the weekday from a text",
        Example(input="Today is Monday", output="Monday"),
        Example(input="Friday is the best day of the week", output="Friday"),
            input="Saturday is the second best day of the week", output="Saturday"
    input="Wonder what day it is on Sunday",

The three ways of tracing your code using the Python SDK


span = opper.traces.start_trace(name="my_function", input="Hello, world!")
# business logic here

Using context manager

with opper.traces.start(name="my_function", input="Hello, world!") as span:
    # business logic here

Using the @trace decorator

def my_function(input: str) -> str:
    # business logic here

Call a LLM without explicitly creating a function using the Python SDK

You can now call a LLM without explicitly creating a function.

opper.call(name="anthropic/claude-3-haiku", input="Hello, world!")

Manually trace using the Node SDK

You can now manually trace using the Node SDK.

// Start parent trace
const trace = await client.traces.start({
    name: "node-sdk/tracing-manual",
    input: "Trace initialization",

// You can optionally start a child span and provide the input
const span = await trace.startSpan({
    name: "node-sdk/tracing-manual/span",
    input: "Some input given to the span",

// A metric and/or comment can be saved to the span
// A span generation can also be saved using .saveGeneration()
await span.saveMetric({
    dimension: "accuracy",
    score: 1,
    comment: "This is a comment",

// End the span and provide the output
await span.end({
    output: JSON.stringify({ foo: "bar" }),

// End the parent trace
await trace.end({ output: JSON.stringify({ foo: "bar" }) });

Call a LLM without explicitly creating a function using the Node SDK

You can now call a LLM without explicitly creating a function.

const { message } = await client.call({
    name: "node-sdk/call/basic",
    input: "what is the capital of sweden",


Manually adding generations

You can now manually add generations to your traces. This is useful if you call an LLM outside of Opper but still want to use the tracing capabilities of Opper.

def run():
    opper = Opper()
    spans = opper.spans

    with spans.start("transform", input="Hello, world!") as span:
        t0 = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
        t1 = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
            duration_ms=int((t1 - t0).total_seconds() * 1000),
            response="I'm happy because I'm happy",
                    "role": "user",
                    "content": "Hello, world!",

OpenAI model GPT-4o mini now available

We have added support for the just released GPT-4o mini model from OpenAI.

Projects now available


Projects allow you to create separation in Opper. Currently, the following is tied to a project:

When you create an API for a specific project, all usage will be associated with that specific project automatically, so there is no need to pass the project as you are using it.


Manage organizations and invite your colleagues


You are now able to create your own organizations in Opper. Go to Settings --> Organization and click Create Organization in the top right corner to get started.

Once you have created your organization, you are able to invite your colleagues by sending an invite to their email address. Once they are in, you are able to collaborate and have a common view of your AI usage.